Wednesday, July 28, 2010


It seems that BAD ADVICE in the morning has been usurped, abandoned, and now replaced by what CONOR O'FARRELL refers to as his legitimate throne: OFF THE LEASH - a bi-weekly column in the TOWNCRIER. This once great lion of wrong directions
and time-wasting has been obviously seduced by the glamour and celebrity that comes with being (his quote) "on staff" at the legendary CRIER. Hobknobbing with literary journalism giants like JP Crumrine and Marshall Smith can not hide the fact that this lion, off the leash, is really only a stray dog. I say, "Put the leash back on before he gets hit by a car." Enough reflective, cerebral, 'what I've learned about life' nonsense. We have him on TV for that.


  1. Thank you, Donner Party,
    And thank you for the menu suggestions, but we will have to wait for a much colder winter or at least until the laws on what can or can not be served in Idyllwild restaurants loosens up a bit more.
    Don't forget "BAD ADVICE IN THE MORNING" not just for breakfast anymore.

  2. Your comment gave me the idea of a miniseries staring our famous thespian (can I use that word?)as George Donner, the man who led his party to that big buffet by the lake. This series could be filmed at Hemet Lake, involve local actors (think Odd Couple) and our famous local restaurant would do the catering.The food choices are endless. This could be bigger than Kid Gallahad.

  3. That wouldn't be kosher. Way to much ham.

  4. Dear Frank and Conor,
    First, I'd like to congratulate Conor for his new column and his IDY filmfest "Artsy-Fartsy" award. I'd also like to say what a relief it is to find out he's still alive. He'd been absent from the blog for so long I'd assumed he died in a freak kayaking accident on Strawberry Creek. I did see him slumped over a cup of coffee at Cafe Aroma several times, but when he didn't move for several hours, I though, how sweet, Frank missed his late buddy so much he commissioned a wax statue to commemorate him. Of course I'm delighted to learn that Conor is still alive, but I'm wondering what Frank will do with the wax statue now? Please don't put it in the bathroom, because that place creeps me out enough as it is!
    This brings me to my second question: While I love dining at Cafe Aroma, I'm deathly afraid to enter the bathroom, for fear that someone will knock me out and steal a kidney. Can you please tell me how many times this has happened, and what I can do to prevent it?
    (FYI: Posting the Conor O'Farrell memorial wax statue in there as a guard will do little to reassure me.)

  5. OMG Bobcatty! I haven't laughed so hard in so long. And to Donner Party, yes, miniseries. Great idea! And Odd Couple Frank and Conner, of course. So what up at Bad Advise. Is all this feuding for real or just more of the Bad Advise rhetoric? And why nobody coming here. Last I was on here it had been forever since FRANK had been here. And now I see the last posting was July of last year? Quit coming because nothing was happening. Came today because had recently referred someone here.
    OK, my post is not witty. But where else do I complain about not being entertained? And I'm not even in IDY any more so where else I going to get my fill of Frank and Conner except here. Will you see what you can do about this Bobcatty? Thank you.

  6. OMG Frank, you crack me up too( Regarding original post here) .Miss you. And the Aroma gang. Soooo, why this blog moving soooo slow?

  7. Regarding OFF THE LEASH's most recent entry: sometimes, it's not an easy thing to tell the truth as you see it, especially if it's not a popular truth. But if this is what we can expect in the future from Conor, my late-in- coming answer is "yes, we really do need it." Very cool--shame you have to put that bunny suit on soon.


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