Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dear Bloggers,
I'm on special assignment deep in the bowels of Orange County. I'm talking deep cover. I will, however, be blogging from deep within my bunker. So keep those cards and letters coming. Though I am far away from you, my children, I have not abandoned you. I will always make time to disrupt the everyday madness of my faithful followers. Remember, my dirty drawers are with you always.


  1. John vonKochinstein (pronounced Coke-in-steen)October 31, 2009 at 2:23 PM

    So, is blog short for "bad log in the morning"?

  2. Big or meaningful log actually.

  3. That's more like it Conor. I didn't buy that whole "I'm an artiste, I'm a thespian, I don't have time to write two lines of bullshit a day," excuse. Besides, you know that if you don't dispense bad advice to the miscreants at home, you'll wind up doling it out to whichever Orange County Housewife you run into at the Irvine Starbucks. And I think we all know they do quite well on their own poor judgement.

  4. Dear Bobcatty,

    I never said I was a thespian. I said I was a Lesbian. You think I write only "two lines of bullshit a day"? I think you better brush up on your math. And I have better things to do with Orange County Housewives than dispense bad advise. As mis-directed as you may be, I'm glad to see you're back in the mix.

  5. Dear fans of "F & C", I've posted a note about "C's" new play and a link to a review on MY blog • JP's Blog

  6. JP,
    Thanks for the "plug", I think. I'm so glad that I'm able to represent Idyllwild in such an irritable manner. I aim to annoy.

  7. Conner, more than a year later, and you guys don't even come here any more, I am relieving my madness by re-reading. Thanks


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